
2020 horoscope Aquarius

Written by Susan

Love: Prerequisite Internal Work!
In 2020, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto will remain in the shadow of your sign and make you definitively draw a line on the past. It's time to look at those elements of your life that pull you back to identify their origins, and how they resist a desire to move forward, that intensifies but still struggles to materialize. You will have to persevere and hang on to face what is stuck, amigo Aquarius. Let go of beliefs and fears that prevent you from starting. It's not a question of pushing back what's embarrassing to you, but understanding what you have to leave behind to free yourself from reflexes that have had their day and are no longer yours. Count on Jupiter to accelerate the movement of your understandings and push you to make important, even radical decisions. But not without having broadly combed and sifted through these bad reasons that keep you under the tutelage of a false security that paralyzes you or doesn't integrate the good reasons that allow you to make the necessary choices and reach the version of your most authentic self.

1st decan (January 21st - January 31st): Whoever Loves Me Follow Me... or Not!
You circumvent the elements that held you back. Saturn and Pluto have already done the work (for some since 2008). It is, therefore, up to Jupiter to occupy (since December 2019) the shadow of your sign until January 15th, 2020. Count on this giant planet to consistently amplify your chances of understanding and sweeping away the obstacles that still separated you from yourself. Between March 22nd and July 2nd, then from December 17th, 2020, Saturn interferes in your decan. No question of going backward. Let's move on to something else. You will certainly have the opportunity, and your partner will just have to hold on. Saturn favors the relationship you have with yourself. No question of great romantic outpourings but of an uncompromising look at your loves. If your partner understands what is being played and accepts it, no reason that the house burns. On the other hand, if they find that you are too independent, beware of palpable tension. Especially since 2018, Uranus makes you want to break with a family routine that ends up boring you. So here you are in search of freedom and a new breath. Pay attention until mid-January. Some occasions might help you turn a corner. Venus will strengthen your aura and your desire to love and be loved, but will also invite you to ask the right questions about the quality of your bonds between April 3rd and 14th and between June 9th and July 11th. Do not hesitate to take a step towards the other (to explain to them clearly what is going on in you) between September 6th and 15th. If you succeed in changing the bond (between October 28th and November 5th), no reason that you do not build tender castles in the sky between December 15th and 23rd.

2nd decan (February 1st - February 10th): It's Flat!
Saturn has stopped (in December 2019), weighing on your wings and morale. You are definitely out of a year where you had to juggle lost illusions and return to Earth. Count on Jupiter between January 15th and March 3rd, and between August 2nd and October 24th to accelerate constructive awareness and facilitate the implementation of resources, talent, and potential that will help you fulfill your deepest aspirations. Nothing very spectacular, but it's an opportunity to connect with your inner world to find what you need to achieve your dreams. Even if this cosmic climate does not prioritize your love, it can nevertheless put you in touch with subtle currents that will almost miraculously connect you to the right person or weave links between you and the other person. Do not expect impulsive whims, but rather tender exchanges, accomplices, and for some to become spiritually inspired. Open your eyes and your heart, especially in late February and mid-October, when this powerful current will pass five out of five. Venus will complete this slightly ethereal picture by giving more heart and body to your loves between April 15th and May 3rd, between May 22nd and June 9th, and between July 11th and July 27th. This is the ideal time to test the depth and quality of your beautiful initiatives with each other. Between September 15th and 24th, do not hesitate to listen to whoever you love. Enough to evolve the bond between November 5th and 13th and to open a future that inspires you between December 23rd and 31st.

3rd decan (February 11th - February 18th): Face Yourself!
Already in full transformation in 2019. Pluto has forced you to probe everything from your past that weighed on your actions and pushed you to act more out of habit and compulsion than under the tutelage of a clear conscience of your actions. Count on Saturn in 2020 to deepen the movement. From the beginning of the year (in January), expect to have to turn a corner or even draw a line on the past. No question of really going back. If this forced course scares you, know that it is about relieving you of burdens that weighed on your shoulders for a very long time. Whether it's doubts, complexes, fears, or remorse, now is the time to end a chapter of your life that blocks you in your blossoming so you can open a new page of your history, more in line with who you really are. Once rid of hazards from the past and more or less destructive genealogical inheritances expect to be shaken up. Fortunately, you will be pulled up, and you engage with energies that will help you rebuild around April 5th, June 30th, July 27th, and November 12th. An event or meeting helps you bounce back, understand yourself better, and relate more favorably to the world around you. Venus will give you an outstanding charm between the 3rd and 22nd of May, but will ask you to think carefully before you commit, declare yourself, or approach what needs to be understood in your relationship, so it is strengthened rather than disintegrating.

Advice from FREE Horoscope:

A year dedicated to your inner evolution again. Your love story, in 2020, maybe more about the connection you have with yourself. It is by connecting to your inner being that you will have the best chance of blossoming. You need to access who you really are to know what tempts you, inspires you, and gives you the energy to tear down the last barriers that could still separate you from happiness. It's up to you to play. But play fair because the economic situation requires you to shoot without cheating your cards. Start the adventure because the game is well worth the effort.

Aquarius, your Social life

Social Life: In Full Discovery of Yourself!
If reflection and personal transformation seem to mobilize your priority in 2020, your path will lead you sooner or later to some changes on the professional level. Whether it's changing lanes based on the progress you've made or developing new potential, you'll need to take the time to evaluate what might be right for you and allow you to integrate what you've learned and what is slowly emerging in you. Connect first to yourself. Connect to this subtle part of your being that should lead you sooner or later to what could help you, amigo Aquarius, express fully and openly who you are and flourish.
Advice from FREE Horoscope:
The sky has been actively working for some time to accelerate an inner transformation that should allow you to begin a new cycle of expansion. Take the time it takes to wisely lay the foundation so that your new options really stand out and hold the road.


1st decan (January 21st - January 31st): Just a Little Bit of Patience!
Jupiter tends to give you a second wind until mid-January. Take advantage of its refreshing presence in the shadow of your decan to replenish energy and cure ongoing problems. Be careful between mid-February and early March to take care of yourself. Avoid getting upset for everything and nothing, at the risk of losing your energy. As of March 30th, you are starting a new cycle of expansion, and you can tackle what comes first, amigo Aquarius, in full possession of your means.
Advice from FREE Horoscope:
Concentrate on the essentials in 2020. You are actively preparing for a renewal without giving in to the temptation to speed up the movement too much. This is the best way to move fast and well, without wasting energy.

2nd decan (February 1st - February 10th): Strength (and Health) is in You!
Saturn has weighed on your wings in 2019. You should breathe and move more freely in 2020, when Jupiter seems to want to connect you to a high frequency that may well give you back energy and morale. The best way to keep fit? Stay connected to intuition and inspiration that should guide you in the right direction and help you manage your strengths and your existence, amigo Aquarius, without causing too much turmoil. Take advantage of this immunity to recover and recharge your batteries by drawing from what is inside you.
Advice from FREE Horoscope:
If you have a rather positive network of good vibes in 2020, however, be careful because you have come a long way. Especially between March 1st and 16th, when it would be urgent to slow down or even pause.

3rd decan (February 11th - February 18th): Do the Work You Need to Do!
A year of major inner changes is waiting for you, but you are already prepared for it. Saturn and Pluto have worked hard enough for you in 2019 so that you will be able to withstand ongoing transformations that may accelerate, especially in January. Be careful between March 16th and March 30th, amigo Aquarius. A dull aggressiveness could be externalized and cause inflammatory phenomena or incidents that will force you to release the pressure a little.
Advice from FREE Horoscope:
A year of metamorphosis that shakes up your bearings and deprives you of any form of previous security that ultimately only kept you out of breath. This is an opportunity to turn a corner but not without giving of yourself a little. Count on Jupiter to help you hold the road, go the distance, and bounce back, whatever happens.

In 2021:

With Saturn and Jupiter investing in your sign as early as mid-December 2020, there is no question of going back, but of initiating a new life cycle. Even if the adventure is a bit solitary, do not hesitate to assert yourself. Inspired and guided by a personality based on more aware bases that are therefore more solid. You know what you want and you get to work laying the foundations of your new life. It does not exclude the past if the people who accompany you fully accept who you are. The work done on your inner world now forbids you to give up on yourself.

Well-being for the Aquarius

1st decan:
Awareness allows you to act, to broaden your horizons, propose new solutions, and move the lines in family and elsewhere (the 2nd). Leverage your resources (talent and potential) and financial income (the 15th) to facilitate the implementation of your projects and help you manage stewardship and your exchanges with your loved ones more harmoniously and fluidly. Even if your initiatives surprise or even disturb the established order. Try, however, not to "sound off" (the 18th and 23rd) if you do not want to annoy everyone and mess up the ranks.

2nd decan:
Well inspired, do not hesitate to follow what dictates your intuition on the 7th, 8th, and 10th, where you will be connected to the right wavelength. Take advantage of buoyant flows to make profitable investments and get valuable support on the 23rd to strengthen your finances and exploit and develop your talents with all the chances that they will pay off (the 23rd). On the other hand, avoid seeing too big (the 27th and 28th), at the risk of becoming disillusioned and having to reduce the wind in your sails a little.

3rd decan:
The first month of the year pushes you into your entrenchments and urges you to question yourself. Especially around the 12th, where a powerful state of affairs will certainly allow you to draw a line on the past. Do not hesitate to roll up your sleeves to evolve against all the odds because you would only delay the deadline.

1st decan:
Negotiations start from the 3rd on how you can make the changes you want. Whether investing in a property, settling a procedure (divorce), or radically changing your place of life, or even existence, you will certainly speak about money (the 5th). Do not expect a definitive answer until next month. However, you will not give up playing the game. You redouble your zeal, your daring, and your powerful arguments (the 21st, 22nd, 25th, 26th, and 29th) to try to guide the debates to your advantage.

2nd decan:
If you finished last month a little destabilized and forced to review your plans, count on the conditions of February to get back on your feet, and give you wings. Leverage your flair and support that works in the shadows to defend your interests, develop your potential, increase your income, and fully flourish. Especially around the 20th, where you will sometimes feel protected by forces beyond you. However, avoid getting too excited on the 23rd, where you could be too greedy and too confident.

3rd decan:
You engage with potential not yet exploited. Trust your instincts (the 2nd and 3rd) to develop your gifts and increase some income. Or play your charm (without overdoing it on the 28th) to encourage those who observe you in the shadows to support you, or even finance you.

1st decan:
Clarifications are needed in a family situation that is a little sensitive (the 8th). Try to get your messages across smoothly if you want to surprise rather than throw oil on the fire pleasantly. By the 22nd, you will certainly have the opportunity to close the discussions that started last month and should win the case by cutting some slack. From the 22nd, Saturn invests in your sign and decan. This marks the opportunity for some to definitively close a chapter of their lives and inaugurate a new one. In any case, you will work in this direction with an unwavering determination to lay the groundwork for what you want to initiate (the 31st).

2nd decan:
Engaged with a dream and an ideal, intimately connected with your full potential, you could (on the 8th) create something unique or realize some work or a project that inspires you. You will not spare your trouble but will also shake up the levers in the shadows that will allow you (the 14th) to raise funds necessary for the realization of your business. Count on a beautiful inner harmony and family satisfaction on the 23rd. An ideal real estate investment or a reconciliation. Your messages send five out of five with your family.

3rd decan:
Beware of misunderstandings, even conflicts that could lead to emotional frustration (the 3rd). Fortunately, you will know what to say (the 4th) to bring back some clarity and harmony in your exchanges. Bet on your eloquence to convince and seduce. Jupiter could well plead your case successfully on the 11th and 14th. You could get some valuable support (financially). Do not be afraid to solicit those who oversee your interests (the 20th and 23rd). A strategy that pays off on the 28th and 29th when money comes in, your efforts seem rewarded, your merits recognized, your talents appreciated, and your charm greeted.

1st decan:
You will not lack charm in April and especially on the 4th, where you will not want to engage lightly. You privilege the stories that hold the road and have been proven. Beware of breaks on the intimate and family levels on the 7th, where your quest for the essential and more autonomy will not please everyone. Try to open a reasoned dialogue and be polite on it (the 11th) if you do not want to make too many sparks (on the 26th) and risk skidding or being blocked in your communication on the 28th.

2nd decan:
Still inspired (the 4th), you will have no trouble creating or attracting money. Also, count on an outstanding power of seduction (the 18th) to fly or reignite the flame and captivate each other with beautiful (and real) speeches. Also, bet on a good striking force and undeniable authority (on the 19th) to convince yourself that your ideas and proposals are the right ones.

3rd decan:
An opportunity to come out of the shadows or use your unconscious resources to bounce back or become aware of your potential and use it to grab the ball (the 5th). A powerful situation that should influence your entire month and get you back in the saddle and the race. Opportunities to find a job, get a promotion, or a raise, strengthen your accounts, and develop your potential (the 7th and 8th). Avoid (on the 14th, 15th, 25th, and 26th) spoiling your chances by believing you are allowed everything or boasting.

1st decan:
Take kid gloves with your family to express your needs and especially your thirst in the clan (the 1st) if you do not want your exchanges to end in pitched battles. On the other hand, you will be able to play your charm and use your convincing eloquence on the 12th, where you can defend your arguments with gusto but not without adopting a serious tone and showing a sense of responsibility that should reassure everyone. Ditto, on the 22nd, where, whether in love or business, a wind of euphoria will not necessarily blow around, but you will not care. You are more focused on reassuring than seducing (even if one does not prevent the other ). At the end of the month (the 25th), you will not hesitate to take a stand to defend your interests and win the game in family.

2nd decan:
Debates in family (the 4th) and a Full Moon (the 7th) invites you to settle certain situations likely to be guided differently, even to transform the course of things and your life. Make love and tender exchanges on the 22nd, where you will not be blinded by beautiful words and will be waiting for truth and speeches that sound right.

3rd decan:
If there is love in the air on the 4th, 20th, and 22nd and you want to find that special someone, reach an ideal in love or creatively, beware of possible overestimations of your feelings (or those of the other) and your potential. Even though it is important. Stay lucid if you do not want to be disappointed. On the other hand, you should know what to say and what to do with your family (on the 7th, 9th, 10th, 15th, and 17th) where occult income or support in the shadows may well allow you to improve your life and living conditions and those of your loved ones.

1st decan:
You redouble your zeal to manage stewardship and make significant family changes (the 5th). Keep the dialogue open and your ideas broad because the discussions are likely to drag on a little longer only to resume more freely from mid-July. The debate will be closed by July 22nd to your advantage. Moreover, you will not let anything go (or not much) and will continue to mobilize yourself to win (the 30th). In fact (28th), you know that to build, you will have to engage and hold on.

2nd decan:
You ask yourself many questions about your love affairs and may be confronted with conflicts of interest that force you to step up (the 3rd). Try to stay in control of your words if you do not want the exchanges to skid (the 6th). From the 18th, accept some delays that slow down the expected conclusions without complaining too much or being impatient because you will hardly close the debate before the end of July.

3rd decan:
If Neptune (since the end of April) tends to clarify your desires and connect you to certain subtle currents that allow you to glimpse and dig up certain gifts and potentials hitherto ignored or insufficiently exploited, this is not a reason to overestimate your powers. Whether in love or on the social level, you could disappoint or be disappointed (the 11th and 13th). On the other hand, rely on a striking force and powerful arguments (on the 18th and 20th) to plead your case and put forward what you had been hiding for fear of failing. At the end of the month (the 30th), you may be flush with energy and resources that could help you overcome your doubts.

1st decan:
Always switched "on." You struggle to manage stewardship to your idea and move the lines in family according to your plans (the 1st). However, try not to abuse your family (on the 8th), or some will tend to believe (probably with reason) that you are trying to twist them around your finger. From the 12th, exchanges should be more fluid and completed by the 22nd.

2nd decan:
Since the 5th, Uranus tends to titillate a desire to shake up the codes in your family a little or free yourself from guardianship that ends up imprisoning you in a mode that no longer suits you. If this trend only blossoms in 2020, it will be confirmed next year. You will be tempted (on the 22nd) to initiate another mode of communication and change the rules. Try to get your messages across as smoothly as possible if you do not want to raise an outcry in your entourage (the 27th).

3rd decan:
Connected in the most creative way to your most subtle potential, you draw from the best (the 12th) and guide your actions in line with a sharp intuition. However, try to manage the daily routine without trying to do everything at once if you do not want to lose your strength and some feathers in passing on the 14th, 15th, and 20th, where you will not necessarily be at your best. It's time to disengage and go on vacation. Take time to recharge your batteries and connect with your inner world, which could prove fruitful and bring you into contact with unlimited inspiration and talent just waiting to be unveiled and exploited (27th).

1st decan:
Focus on dialogue and listening to each other to communicate harmoniously, get your messages across, and maintain good relationships with your partner and others. Mercury will promote exchanges between the 5th and 10th. Count on Venus to endow you with goodwill to reign love and peace over your entourage between the 7th and 18th. Enough to spend the month smoothly and enjoy these good waves to go on vacation.

2nd decan:
Avoid overemphasizing your current need to take off and/or discharge some family responsibilities (the 2nd and 10th) if you do not want to get into trouble and be criticised. Also, it's not sure that we appreciate your tone, which is a bit too peremptory on the 4th. Your willingness to use force could be worth a few setbacks and trigger conflict with a loved one. Prefer to show goodwill (on the 18th, 25th) and lower your voice to succeed in passing your messages and have your requests accepted without making too many waves.

3rd decan:
Between dialogue that falls on deaf ears and initiatives that hit a wall (the 1st and 3rd), you will have a little too much tendency to moan and complain (on the 13th). Prefer to put all the chances on your side to make yourself understood by privileging dialogue and by channeling your tone, which is sometimes a little too offensive (the 16th and 17th). If not? You risk ending the month in a deadlock and probably frustrated (24th).

1st decan:
Need to escape or simply expand your horizons and raise the debates. You aspire to enter the season with an open mind determined to go beyond (between the 5th and 12th). Venus favors tender exchanges, meetings, and all sorts of connections between the 6th and the 15th. So, it's not the moment to go it alone, whether in love or business.

2nd decan:
Determined to move the lines as a family and free yourself from certain guardianship, you know what to say and what to do (the 2nd) to begin to get your messages across on the subject without triggering group wrath from your relatives who do not necessarily appreciate your desire for independence. You do not lack the resources or the support of some who work behind the scenes to defend your interests (on the 9th) to begin the change that is important to you. However, be sure to clarify your intentions and to set some limits, so you don't go in all directions too much on the 11th, 15th, and 17th.

3rd decan:
You begin the month well connected to your inner world. You have a flair that guides you and inspires you with the right words and deeds to do so that the situations that you cross evolve to your advantage (the 1st and 3rd). Try to curb an aggressiveness that could bypass a real willingness to consider the opinions of others and win votes (the 4th). So bet on your intuition and your sense of strategy to move the lines and unlock issues (the 14th and 17th). On the other hand, if you persist in attacking your interlocutors, you may just turn everyone against you on the 21st, 23rd, and 29th.

1st decan:
Since the end of September, you have been conducting negotiations with your superiors. No doubt you want to plead your case, get a promotion, or the possibility of more leeway in your activities (the 7th). You can play with your charm to influence your social and family environment (the 10th) and use every possible strategy to achieve your goals and move the lines both at work and at home (on the 10th). However, expect to have to hold your horses from the 14th. You will continue to argue with pugnacity (the 20th and 31st).

2nd decan:
Do not try at all costs to force things (the 11th). Let yourself be carried away and transported by infinitely inspiring and carrying currents that should eventually drop you where you want to be (the 12th). Expected returns of money and material advantages fall from the sky. You have an irresistible magnetism that could complete such a charming picture. As long as you make sure you are not forcing anyone's hand. Rely on subtle flows no less powerful to promote your initiatives and projects. You will not regret it.

3rd decan:
Please, lower your tone on the 9th, where you will probably have a little trouble controlling your emotions and certain compulsions that push you to attack your entourage. Certainly, your ambitions are legitimate, but if you do not clarify and let your unconscious dictate your conduct, you may wake up tensions and trigger conflicts (the 13th and 15th) and block the exchanges (the 18th).

1st decan:
Discussions started last month resume more freely from the 3rd and should be completed by the 18th. Not without adjustment or concessions to make (the 17th). If your charm works at your job and more widely in society, use it to make the changes that you hope for (especially in family) smoothly and without necessarily opposing your own interests to those of your loved ones (the 27th).

2nd decan:
You aspire to change your love and your relationships and do what you like at work. However, you need to avoid imposing anything on anyone and raising your voice (the 9th). Always bet on your current ability to express your talent and potential to influence situations and people (the 10th) through your sensitive and intuitive approach. You will probably feel less stuck (and therefore less frustrated) in your exchanges from the 14th where your energy, which is a little aggressive, turns into an offensive energy likely to help you convince without constraint. Debates and negotiations that had dragged on a bit since October could lead to positive conclusions (24th).

3rd decan:
Rather than alienate yourself (1st, 6th), let your deep forces emerge and express themselves in the most creative way possible (on the 12th and in fact throughout the month). This year, it is a question of channeling old impulses that made you reproduce the same patterns. So you can be inspired by a much more constructive energy that could allow you to find your light, bounce back, and finally get out of the impasse or the shadows next year. So let yourself be inspired by this new knowledge of yourself on the 14th, 15th, 27th, 29th, and 30th and give up any initiative too influenced by your ego and a thirst for immediate recognition (the 16th and 19th).

1st decan:
From the 17th, Saturn invests in your sign and decan and will not leave until December 2021. Now is the time to turn the page definitively and open another. You have been preparing for it for a long time and have already laid the groundwork for your future existence. Count on Jupiter, who also rolls into your decan from the 19th, to speed up the process and movement of change. From the 21st, there's a possibility for a firm and definitive commitment towards tomorrow.

2nd decan:
Your popularity rating and love reaches its peaks (the 6th). However, do not take advantage of it to ask for the moon. Keep your feet on the ground on the 9th, 13th, and 30th when you will tend to take off without a belt.

3rd decan:
Your charm operates in society (the 10th) and may well allow you to guide the current situation to your advantage. Whether in business or love, you will have no trouble scoring points, marking minds, and some hearts in passing (the 14th and 15th). You will also be very convincing on the 15th, where you will not lack arguments to convince your interlocutors to follow you and support your projects (the 15th and 20th).

Aquarius: Your advice for 2020

World Astrology:
In January, Saturn's transit in Pluto (on the 12th) could foster the emergence of concrete measures that are supposed to help us build, give substance to measures that can produce creative changes, and contain the power of a destructive Pluto! Let us hope and work to make exchanges between countries more diplomatic, avoid all forms of provocation if we wish to appease people's minds, and maintain a positive global climate where debates remain open. Do not stir up tensions by playing teacher or putting too much pressure on our potential opponents!

The duo Saturn/Pluto, which has already raged in 2019 and encouraged the efforts of collaboration between people just as much as they provoked (sometimes accentuated) divergences, draws its last salvo in January. Let us try to use this energy to generate improvements on what is substantive, solid, and constructive rather than create dissension! It will then be a question of trying to balance between the instinctive but also creative forces of Pluto and the desire to maintain order and rigor, and crystallize the efforts, to translate them into lasting laws of Saturn who loves nothing more than building on solid ground. However, this planet sometimes tends to play the righter of wrongs and other moralists a little too much! Beware of the adverse effects of any decision taken without nuance or concession! Jupiter and Pluto could just as well (around April 5th, June 30th, and November 12th) aggravate already tense situations. But it could also propose new solutions!

Let's count on the sextile of Jupiter/Neptune (February 20th, July 27th, and October 12th) to restore breath and altitude to debates, generosity and vision to our leaders, and an inspired worldview that's finally a little more about the well-being of everyone and the collective interest than about all out growth and the will to play the boss! Saturn, who will invest temporarily in 2020 in the sign of Aquarius (between March 22nd and July 2nd), could open a breach and encourage the emergence of new ideas that are more human in their constructions? At the end of the year on December 21st, the conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn suggests the possibility of sealing stable agreements based on conscious decisions? So, follow up... in 2021!

The climate - the environment:
Saturn and Pluto, who have hardly relaxed their embrace in 2019, finalize their waltz, slow but no less significant in 2020! The result? Saturn, a planet related to Earth and exerting terrible pressure on Pluto in January could thus at the beginning of the year accentuate the risks of an earthquake, real or symbolic. Earthquakes or a collapse of structures due to destructive human activity. The Earth gets angry!

Caution is also recommended around early April, late June, and mid-November when the duo of Jupiter and Pluto could give birth to the best and the worst. The best? A climate of agreements that are supposed to protect the planet? The worst? A denial of reality that could cause damage...

Let's focus on the inspired and inspiring flow that the sextile that Jupiter and Neptune will form on February 20th, July 27th, and October 12th, 2020. It will elevate our level of consciousness and foster the emergence of a more lucid vision of the world, which carries us (and especially supports us) and collective decision-making finally caring and respectful of our very precious environment!

The Planets:
Pluto continues, in 2020, his work of undermining structures of the past that are decidedly outdated. If this "lord of metamorphoses" favors all kinds of mutations and transformations that are usually necessary, it is not, however, intended to make the change smoothly. This planet governs our resources and instinctive temperaments, Pluto has walked throughout the previous year in the (often tense) company of Saturn! An alchemy that had the effect of precipitating the collapse of structures that no longer held the road but also social tensions at the height of events. We bet that in 2020 and in January, this planet will receive the visit of Saturn (in appearance on January 12th) and could precipitate change and cause some major upheaval! Pluto will then have to deal with Jupiter, who will oversee it on April 5th, June 30th, and November 12th! This is the opportunity to give birth to revolutionary but creative ideas and/or to adopt excessive behaviors that are likely to accentuate tensions already well present?

Neptune continues its journey in Pisces (which started in April 2011) inviting us to elevate our ideals and overcome religious divisions by adhering to a more spiritual vision of the world? We remain, however, co-responsible for extremist excesses! Let us try to master our irrational fears to avoid maintaining beliefs that are too destructive or reductive! Some humanist values and altruistic group behaviors seem to emerge? Let us welcome them and feed them so that they testify in our spirits, our bodies, and the facts of a real good will to grow and evolve together towards more consciousness and hopefully love each other and everything (including our planet)!

In 2020, Neptune evolves in harmony with Jupiter! An astral state of affairs that could foster openness to a world more aware of the usefulness of a true solidarity of the human community and willing to broaden its horizons towards an enlightened spirituality. Let us hope that this backdrop will then favorably influence (around February 20th, July 27th, and October 12th) individual spirits as well as clans and groups of all kinds. People who might then be tempted to gather around true inspiring values rather than parting or even fighting because of divisions that often have more to do with the instinct for war than with the desire to love and to unite, even if it's a common denominator for many writings and teachings!
Uranus in Taurus since May 2018 continues to shake up your thirst for stability, anchoring this fixed sign fond of security and not inclined to change the rules! This is what this free spirit of the zodiac strives to do by shaking up our institutions and using the infinitely creative resources of Taurus to invite a new way of life but also new ways of conceiving the world and its secular institutions that will inevitably renew and reinvent themselves to survive! Count on Uranus, in 2020, to accelerate the movement of reform that is essential to the evolution of society. Wake up your neurons and help us out (by will and sometimes by force) from your comfort zone ... for the better!

Saturn in Capricorn attempts to concretize the projected transformations in this sign where he evolves at home and therefore rather at ease. This austere planet has engaged in a funny (not necessarily elsewhere) dance in 2019 with his partner Pluto. Striving to find a solution and shape and structure the change that has been occurring since December 2017 (when this planet entered into Capricorn), Saturn is expected to end the dance in January on a rather serious note around the 12th! It will then probably be the death knell of a bygone era. It's time to move on to something else or propose building on new foundations more in line with the evolution accomplished and with the needs of society! Between March 22nd and July 2nd, 2020, Jupiter will temporarily migrate to Aquarius before returning to this sign from December 17th, 2020 (and until March 2023)! An incursion that speaks of independence of mind, of freedom, and perhaps to conceive the world differently? Be that as it may, let us once again count on Saturn's strict justice to favor advances that are solid and to slow down those that would only rest on wind!

Jupiter in Capricorn since December 2nd, 2019, completes the armada of the planets present in this demanding sign (Saturn, Pluto). However, he does not like it in this ambitious but rather austere sign. Throughout the year, the hot nature of this giant of the zodiac will, however, have to deal with this climate, which is a little cold and not necessarily very fulfilling. But, there is a guarantee of authenticity and solidity! Social contacts are restricted, forcing everyone to refocus on themselves and the essentials! However, we can expect Jupiter to put some rumba in the air and warm up the mood? Around April 5th, June 30th, and November 12th under the crossing of a conjunction between Jupiter and Pluto significant achievements could see the light of day. Interesting insights as long as they do not come from imposed decisions and aren't dictated by an excess of ego and/or an abuse of authority! Jupiter, however, will undoubtedly creatively inspire us and could awaken in us an aspiration to a world if not ideal at least better around February 20th, July 27th, and October 12th! A new, more inspiring path is emerging and opening up? Let's hope that the alliance between Jupiter and Neptune will mix up the debates and connect us to the highest part of ourselves (to our soul perhaps)! From December 19th, 2020, Jupiter migrates in Aquarius! This is the opportunity to break out of relative isolation and free ourselves to take bolder and more creative paths? Follow up ... in 2021!

The 2020 for all zodiac signs:

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