
Your daily horoscope for Scorpio on the 26th of April 2024

Written by Susan

Your astral forecast

You were right to make an effort and today you will be pleased you did. Circumstances have proved you right. You need to give yourself time to relax properly, before stress takes over.



You will be more conciliatory than usual and people will have more confidence in you. Show your desire for harmony without hesitation.

Today: 4/5TodayTomorrow: 3/5TomorrowSunday: 3/5SundayMonday: 5/5MondayTuesday: 5/5TuesdayWednesday: 4/5WednesdayThursday: 2/5ThursdayFriday: 5/5Friday



You put down positive bases for your love-life or modify them. Now is the time to ask your partner serious questions and reveal what you didn't dare to before. Whatever you do, don't hold back.

Today: 4/5TodayTomorrow: 3/5TomorrowSunday: 3/5SundayMonday: 5/5MondayTuesday: 5/5TuesdayWednesday: 4/5WednesdayThursday: 3/5ThursdayFriday: 5/5Friday



You're going to sort out your administrative affairs. In your own interests, continue to make that effort.

Today: 4/5TodayTomorrow: 4/5TomorrowSunday: 3/5SundayMonday: 5/5MondayTuesday: 5/5TuesdayWednesday: 4/5WednesdayThursday: 3/5ThursdayFriday: 5/5Friday



Preparing for future work is recommended today. This is positively a good day for your type of planning.

Today: 4/5TodayTomorrow: 3/5TomorrowSunday: 3/5SundayMonday: 4/5MondayTuesday: 4/5TuesdayWednesday: 3/5WednesdayThursday: 3/5ThursdayFriday: 4/5Friday
This week


The moon is in Sagittarius, in position 04 degree(s),29 minute(s): Need to progress, spirit of adventure, impatience and restlessness. Not very sensitive but spontaneous.

First decan

24th October to 3rd November

You will be invaded by an unsettling concern, provoked by someone or something. Regaining a unique feeling of confidence and well-being will do you good and push you to express yourself. Your zest for life will dominate and boost your self-confidence.

Second decan

4th November to 13th November

You will advance if you refuse to give into a negative attitude. The moon will urge you to deepen your feeling, to stand up for your ideals. This means you won't have enough time to meet up with all the people you'd like to convince.

Third decan

14th November to 22nd November

The moon will focus on material goods and gains, and, after a few particularly hefty expenses, will urge you to take a look at your finances. If you can save some money or rigorously re-balance your accounts, the situation will work itself out.

Compatibility with your loved-one

Astro mindset : How to Fall in Love Again?

Browse your day colour to make decision

How to endorse your responsibilities

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