
Taurus's horoscope for August 2026

Written by Daisy

The planets in Leo accentuate a form of tension in your home or about a habitat until the 23rd. Do not exaggerate the conflicts and try to reconcile. Mercury, in a good aspect from the 1st to the 9th, helps you communicate with tact and finesse. At the same time, between the 10th and the 24th, your mood could complicate exchanges: be careful. Mars and Uranus in duet until the 10th will facilitate your financial fighting spirit. You will have the weapons to replenish your purse or earn a better living on a memorable stroke of luck! Then after the 11th, your very active and sociable behavior assures you many satisfactions in your relationships. The professional sphere will be tense. No one will give you any gifts, go on vacation or move away from people fond of power, especially the 1st decan. From the 24th, you are creative!

Taurus: Love in General para August 2026

Taurus: Until the 5th, your feelings and your sensuality are in agreement. It will positively influence your emotional behavior. Your exchanges will be fruitful during the same period. Take advantage of it because you will not be taken with a grain of salt between the 10th and the 24th. Venus slides into Libra on the 6th, you will seduce with naturalness.

Taurus: In a relationship para August 2026

Taurus: Small difficulties within your couple are possible because you will lack patience and time to listen to your other half or satisfy their desires. Nevertheless, after the 6th, your expression of love will be tender and sweet. Use your most reliable fundamentals!

Single para August 2026

Taurus: Daily life, especially after the 6th, could favor a quality encounter, watch your way of communicating, and the attraction will be easier. You can't catch flies with vinegar, can you? The end of the month is also promising: keep your eyes open.

Taurus: Career / Finance para August 2026

Taurus: Pluto creates a climate of struggle. You will be forced to elbow your way in to keep your position or gain legitimate recognition: don't get angry, be diplomatic, and speak with tact and composure, especially between the 10th and 24th. Financial surprises are likely.

Taurus: Advice from FREE Horoscope para August 2026

Taurus: This is a month to be lived with a certain distance and even a dose of wisdom to avoid aggravating situations that could be potentially unpleasant. Don't let yourself go overboard. On the contrary!

Horoscope for August 2026 for all zodiac signs:

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2026 horoscope for all zodiac signs:

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