
Aries's horoscope for December 2025

Written by Daisy

Your ideal of life comes back in full force at the end of this year. You dream of a thousand exciting things, and the energies concentrated in Sagittarius help you do so (the Sun until the 21st, Mars until the 15th, and Venus until the 24th). You aspire to act as you wish, love whom you please, and build as you feel. Pluto (1st decan), in a beautiful aspect, reinforces your projects or promotes golden friendships, enjoy it! A little tension remains possible in your home. Stay cool. The financial sphere still requires adjustments under the effect of Uranus: stay alert. From the 21st, the Sun in Capricorn joins Mars and Venus. Some professional challenges to undertake, but your combative nature should appreciate them!

Aries: Love in General para December 2025

Aries: Venus and Mars as a duo until the 15th will ensure you a fulfilling emotional life! Your heart and body will be clean. You will be as hot as embers! Mercury in Scorpio until the 11th invites you to weigh your words. Then the planets change to Capricorn: watch out for too much emotional intensity.

Aries: In a relationship para December 2025

Aries: The first fortnight promises to be cloudless. It will be beautiful in your emotional sky! Take care of your communication with your partner, which should lighten as of the 24th. The rest of the month will bring a few professional jolts that may affect your life as a couple.

Single para December 2025

Aries: Your chances of dating are significant this month. Do you open yourself to people very different from you, perhaps someone foreign? Your thirst for love will be intense, primarily until the 15th, seduce with tact. At the end of the month, a romance is possible at your place of work.

Aries: Career / Finance para December 2025

Aries: Until the 11th, interesting financial news could put a smile on your face. Unexpected events are also on the agenda (especially last decan); your primary income source may cause changes so stay alert. Some professional worries are possible. The demands of others or your own will have to be dealt with.

Aries: Advice from FREE Horoscope para December 2025

Aries: Between passion and construction, the end of this year foreshadows many different and exciting events! Adjust how you communicate so that you don't hurt those around you and don't miss out on any emotional opportunities.

Horoscope for December 2025 for all zodiac signs:

Horoscope May 2024

2025 horoscope for all zodiac signs:

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