
Scorpio's horoscope for May 2025

Written by Daisy

Work and daily life are your priorities of the month! The energies, until the 20th, favor your intimate, conjugal, contractual relationships, others will take up space and you will have to accept it. From the 11th to the 26th, Mercury will accentuate the impact of others, dialogue. The sphere of work receives Mercury from the 1st to the 10, Venus, Saturn (from the 25) and Neptune, you will have desires of evolution, to do what you like and to find a true meaning to your professional life. Mars in Leo obliges you not to lower your guard in front of your colleagues or your hierarchy, opt for a frank but loyal attitude. On the 20th, the sun in Gemini joins Jupiter and gives your psychic life a beautiful intensity, take the opportunity to define your personal desires. Pluto may accentuate some family worries, 1st decan.

Scorpio: Love in General para May 2025

Scorpio: Saturn, up to the 24th, favors an affective commitment on the basis of a deep communion, are you ready for that? Venus in Aries reinforces your healthiest feelings while Mars in Leo accentuates your most compelling desires, the balance will be difficult to find but you love a challenge, it is up to you!

Scorpio: In a relationship para May 2025

Scorpio: You will not feel like laughing, but rather a love that you press on, you could test your partner's feelings, does he still love you as much? Mercury from 11th to 26th makes this type of approach easier, will you be disappointed?

Single para May 2025

Scorpio: The work sector is a great place to make an interesting encounter, keep your eyes open but remember that love and work rarely go hand in hand! Your feelings will be vivid, your desires powerful, seduce but with tenderness.

Scorpio: Career / Finance para May 2025

Scorpio: You will be very busy with your professional affairs and by financial situation, Mars in the square of your sign accentuates your ambition and your desire for evolution but do not get too rigid. Uranus will be able to modify a contract, especially from the 11th to the 26th, read between the lines.

Scorpio: Advice from FREE Horoscope para May 2025

Scorpio: One month is not a restful month but you are a being of challenge and struggle. Act with ardor and tenacity but always with loyalty, otherwise you risk an unpleasant backlash.

Horoscope for May 2025 for all zodiac signs:

Horoscope May 2024

2025 horoscope for all zodiac signs:

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