
Aries's horoscope for November 2025

Written by Daisy

The Scorpio influxes facilitate your distance from events or people and an honest and beneficial introspection (the Sun from the 1st to the 22nd, Mars until the 4th, Mercury from the 19th, and Venus from the 6th to the 30th). You will be enigmatic, less fierce, and more thoughtful. All the more so as Jupiter could be looking for trouble. The duo Saturn and Neptune in Pisces reinforces your inner strength and helps you face some worries, if necessary. Your social network looks solid and, if you have a project in mind, Pluto serves your interests. Mars, from the 5th, makes your initiatives powerful but secret. You could build a financial plan out of sight. Love will be intense and could carry you far, too far? The Sun slides in Sagittarius on the 23rd: a zest for life!

Aries: Love in General para November 2025

Aries: During the first week, if you are in a relationship, your emotional sphere is turned towards your partner and softens your whole relationship. You will be diplomatic, almost reserved. Then Venus slides in Scorpio and Mars in Sagittarius: passion and excess could take hold of you! Weigh your words to avoid any misunderstanding.

Aries: In a relationship para November 2025

Aries: Charismatic and sensual, you will have it at heart to prove your attachment to your other half but perhaps with an extreme intensity. Hold your horses! Take care of your communication, sometimes casual, sometimes equivocal. Talk with simplicity.

Single para November 2025

Aries: Sometimes the Sun and sometimes Mars in Scorpio pushes you to act so your desire to meet someone will be strong! Your emotional ideal will not be outdone either. So much so that this month is favourable to a beautiful evolution of your love status.

Aries: Career / Finance para November 2025

Aries: After the 8th, Uranus comes to shake up your primary income. Depending on your past situation, a raise or a demotion is coming! However, the influxes in Scorpio, especially Venus, can help you make money from the 6th to the 30th. There will be movement in your bank account.

Aries: Advice from FREE Horoscope para November 2025

Aries: Live this month with the panache that suits you so well. But without losing a form of measurement, especially in words, so you don't offend anyone around you.

Horoscope for November 2025 for all zodiac signs:

Horoscope May 2024

2025 horoscope for all zodiac signs:

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