
Leo's horoscope for October 2025

Written by Daisy

A lot of communication this fall. Indeed, the energies coming from the Sun and Libra from the 1st and the 23rd, Mercury until the 6th, and Venus from the 15th invite you to frequent the world. Elegant and worldly, you shine with a thousand lights! Mars in the square of your sign inspires you to slow your often powerful dynamism. Avoid getting annoyed with your family. Put things into perspective. Your social sector is promising. Uranus puts original people in your path. Pluto seeks to modify the marital or contractual sphere. After the 13th, an event will put you on the right track. Saturn returns to Pisces and could block your financial sector a little, but you will have the wisdom to understand the lesson. After the 24th, remain Zen in all circumstances!

Leo: Love in General para October 2025

Leo: Until the 13th, love makes you possessive and jealous. You control things and don't listen to your little inner voice, it's excessive! Then Venus slips into Libra, and you find your generosity and sensuality. Even more as Mars in Scorpio breathes a lot of energy into your dynamism: almost too much. Take care of your physical approaches.

Leo: In a relationship para October 2025

Leo: Pluto increases a palpable tension within your relationship. Let go, use your composure to prove that your respective feelings are valuable. Until the 13th, express your love delicately. Look for gentleness. From the 15th to the 29th, surround your other half with tenderness, no harsh criticism.

Single para October 2025

Leo: Very communicative until the 13th, at least, your chances of meeting someone are probable if you accept others' failings with humour. Pluto makes you demanding, or the other one will be demanding with you. In both cases, be the tender and majestic person you are!

Leo: Career / Finance para October 2025

Leo: Under the effects of Saturn, your finances are subjected to pressure. Now is not the time to make investments, especially since Neptune, from the 20th, interferes and adds a bit of confusion to this climate of restriction. Stay calm, so your stable assets remain intact! From the 1st to the 13th, a salary increase is even possible.

Leo: Advice from FREE Horoscope para October 2025

Leo: A few financial challenges seem to be in store this month. Your combative and royal nature should meet them brilliantly! Count on your capacity for love to put any indelicate event into perspective.

Horoscope for October 2025 for all zodiac signs:

Horoscope May 2024

2025 horoscope for all zodiac signs:

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