
Sagittarius's horoscope for September 2025

Written by Daisy

Between career and real friendships, you are living this new season on top of the world! Virgo's energies (the Sun until the 22nd and Mercury from the 2nd to the 18th) encourage you to concentrate on your work and take care of your communication. Mars, from the 1st to the 21st, in beautiful aspect to your sign, facilitates your projects: your support and decisions are favoured. After the 22nd, your behaviour is more enigmatic. A little family tension remains possible. Do you have to take care of an elderly parent? Uranus could complicate the conjugal or contractual sphere, do not let yourself be overwhelmed by possible unforeseen events. Adapt yourself! From the 23rd, you feel the collective call. Your adventurous nature takes back its rights. Other people's money could help you set up a project or start a meaningful life change (2nd decan).

Sagittarius: Love in General para September 2025

Sagittarius: Love carries you away as always, too much? Venus facilitates your impulses with ardour, until the 18th, your generosity of heart, mixed with an effective active seduction, should help you experience this domain with joy. After the 22nd, you will be less comfortable with your feelings and desires...a word to the wise.

Sagittarius: In a relationship para September 2025

Sagittarius: Until the 18th, cooperation with your partner seems easy. Venus and Mars in beautiful aspect to your sign foreshadow pleasant moments of sharing. On the other hand, the last week requires a little patience and tenderness to maintain this enviable harmony.

Single para September 2025

Sagittarius: Real opportunities are coming. Between the 1st and the 18th, your ardour increases your attractiveness. You could meet a brilliant person who is different in culture or tastes. Your desires will be generous and will offer you a beautiful sensuality to share.

Sagittarius: Career / Finance para September 2025

Sagittarius: This sector is favoured, thanks to the influx of Jupiter. The divine manna is at work and could help you finance a long-term project or rebalance your budget if it caused you some problems. However, be on the lookout for unforeseen events that could change an employment contract or an association.

Sagittarius: Advice from FREE Horoscope para September 2025

Sagittarius: Neptune starts its influences on your creative or emotional sector. Anchor yourself during the month if you feel that reality escapes you, 1st decan. Your legendary optimism accompanies you.

Horoscope for September 2025 for all zodiac signs:

Horoscope May 2024

2025 horoscope for all zodiac signs:

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