
Pisces's horoscope for September 2026

Written by Daisy

Between a hyper-present relational and a pecuniary quest, this autumn looks very interesting! Until the 22nd, the Sun in Virgo in duo with Mercury from the 1st to the 9th distills many exchanges and a search for mutual enlightenment in your marital or contractual relationships. Venus in Libra, as well as Saturn and Neptune, favor your assets, your professional income, or a sum of money from the state: bank loan or notary bequest? Mars until the 27th boosts your love sphere, sports, fun, nice things are to come while you progress in your work at the end of the month, but watch out for an explosive dynamism. From the 10th, Mercury slips into Libra and the Sun on the 23rd: the relational climate changes: you are secretive, you think deeply to consider changes that could materialize at the end of the month.

Pisces: Love in General para September 2026

Pisces: This sector is blessed by the stars and announces thrills and spills galore! Whether you are committed or not, you will feel the call of the senses with delight until the 27th. Your feelings will be put into action from the 10th thanks to a passionate Venus: cheer up!

Pisces: In a relationship para September 2026

Pisces: Take advantage of a very sensual atmosphere to relive your honeymoon with your other half or to whisper words that you didn't dare declare before! All the lights are green to contribute to your mutual well-being.

Single para September 2026

Pisces: Open your fins and your antennae. The planets favor a very emotional encounter, sensual to the point of desire and possibly perennial if you wish. From the 10th onwards, an exotic, atypical personality will come your way. The end of the month makes it easier for you to enjoy life together!

Pisces: Career / Finance para September 2026

Pisces: Do you work to structure your money from a professional activity while seeking to foster financial transactions to develop perhaps a major change? Another activity? A change of profession? Your assets seem to be in good hands: don't throw money around and hoard a little.

Pisces: Advice from FREE Horoscope para September 2026

Pisces: Love and creativity will be your two main focuses this fall. Forget your preconceived ideas from your past experiences and open your heart! You have huge joyful possibilities.

Horoscope for September 2026 for all zodiac signs:

Horoscope May 2024

2026 horoscope for all zodiac signs:

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