
Aries's horoscope for December 2026

Written by Daisy

The planets in Sagittarius (Sun until the 21st and Mercury from the 6th to the 25th) boost your desire to move forward and reach an ideal that you caress. Your dynamism will be focused on work while your emotional sphere takes on more importance from the 4th. You will want to enjoy leisure and pleasure, thanks to Jupiter. But Saturn and Neptune at home will give you this wisdom that everyone will notice! Uranus (1st decan) will pamper your morale, which will not lack repartee or creativity. In contrast, Pluto (still 1st decan) will boost a friendship or a project. On the 22nd, the Sun moves into Capricorn and then Mercury on the 26th. Your professional destiny imposes itself and incites you to work with seriousness and responsibility: beware of sharp words your interlocutors might not appreciate!

Aries: Love in General para December 2026

Aries: From the 4th onwards, your expression of love will be powerful, demanding, and perhaps a little sultry! Venus in Scorpio is titillating your explosive nature. Mars in Virgo gives your libido beautiful qualities of patience and know-how: your emotional life should satisfy your senses.

Aries: In a relationship para December 2026

Aries: After the 4th, a deep and powerful harmony moves towards you and your other half. It's enough to bring you closer if necessary, especially since Mars will be very active, making your sensual life rich and enjoyable. All is well!

Single para December 2026

Aries: Cultural or sporting venues are highly favorable to a good, joyful, and fluid encounter. After the 4th, you'll yearn for a relationship that gives you enough thrills to consider a follow-up. Your daily life will not be free of a very active libido.

Aries: Career / Finance para December 2026

Aries: Pick up a lottery ticket. A win could come as early as the 12th. Your financial life should remain stable with a possible increase as early as the 4th, thanks to the effects of Venus: an unexpected inflow of money remains possible. At the end of the month, your career will be serious and require an impeccable investment from you.

Aries: Advice from FREE Horoscope para December 2026

Aries: On the whole, the end of this year will be pleasing. The icing on the cake is a clear possibility to evolve whether in a job or internally. Your maturity will be a pleasure to see and will surprise those around you!

Horoscope for December 2026 for all zodiac signs:

Horoscope May 2024

2026 horoscope for all zodiac signs:

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