
Virgo's horoscope for December 2026

Written by Daisy

Some family obligations are likely, but you'll have the energy to face them! Indeed, the influxes in Sagittarius, the Sun until the 21st, and Mercury from the 6th to the 25th bring a harsh climate on your family relationships or about a residence. Wait until the end of the month. Mars at home all month favors your fighting spirit and your choices: you will act as you please. This will be even stronger as of the 4th. Venus in Scorpio boosts your morale and favors all your relationships. Essential changes are to come under the effects of the duo Saturn and Neptune, so don't be afraid to tread water and accept to follow your feelings even with a compass! The work sphere is full of surprises and challenges! From the 22nd onwards, it's time for pleasure!

Virgo: Love in General para December 2026

Virgo: From the 4th, your love life looks pleasant and susceptible to a nice evolution if you wish. Venus in Scorpio, in a good aspect to your sign, facilitates any meeting or any relationship. You will want lightness, joy, and intensity, especially since Mars could make your eyes more significant than your stomach!

Virgo: In a relationship para December 2026

Virgo: Avoid domestic matters, especially between the 6th and the 25th, and your life together will be rather pleasant. Your feelings are ample and cheerful, as of the 4th, while your libido will not know satiety: hearts up!

Single para December 2026

Virgo: As of the 4th, your closest surroundings should favor a friendly meeting with a magnetic and charismatic person. Keep an eye on your dynamism, which is likely to be at its peak. It could, therefore, frighten a shy conquest. Who wants to be an angel makes the beast!

Virgo: Career / Finance para December 2026

Virgo: From the 10th, a monetary contribution could help you start a new project or finance professional retraining, but be forward-looking with your assets. Surprises must be anticipated. Your combativeness will help you believe in yourself and look for support in your workplace: know how to surround yourself.

Virgo: Advice from FREE Horoscope para December 2026

Virgo: An active end of the year that pushes you to act in your best interests. Watch out for a desire to go too fast. You could lose your most basic reference points.

Horoscope for December 2026 for all zodiac signs:

Horoscope May 2024

2026 horoscope for all zodiac signs:

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