
Libra's horoscope for December 2026

Written by Daisy

Emotional issues will be in the spotlight as well as a beautiful relationship! The Sun in Sagittarius until the 21st, accompanied by Mercury from the 6th to the 25th, will boost your daily connections favorably. You will want and need to communicate. Jupiter, for the last decan, also supports your friendships or a collective project. In contrast, Pluto, 1st decan, distills a perfume of sulfur in your affairs of the heart or an absolute requirement with your children if you are a parent. Thanks to Uranus, you can foresee a vision of your life subject to high intellectual pulsations. Mars behind the scenes will not really help you to do as you please, so be patient. The intimate or associative sphere will be serious and capable of anchoring you, weigh the pros and cons, but commit yourself! After the 22nd, focus on your job or your family life: tensions in sight!

Libra: Love in General para December 2026

Libra: Your sensual energy is as if it were dormant this month. Your libido is not your priority unless your sensual life expresses itself hidden from the eyes of the world? Your feelings, on the other hand, from the 4th onwards, will be strong, whole, and possessive: passion or headache with another?

Libra: In a relationship para December 2026

Libra: Your other half aspires to the seriousness and a relationship that is inspiring and innovative: be creative. It's only waiting for that! From the 4th, your attachment is flawless, powerful, and magnetic, but your sexual expression will be shy: explain yourself.

Single para December 2026

Libra: All the lights are green to allow you to change your sentimental status. Especially if you agree to get out of your comfort zone! Dare to date people very different from the past, and don't be afraid of the result!

Libra: Career / Finance para December 2026

Libra: The planetary influxes invite you to stay focused on your basics and follow your lucky star. Believe in your professional abilities, which should materialize either by signing a contract or improving your primary income. After the 4th, a gift could embellish this winter month.

Libra: Advice from FREE Horoscope para December 2026

Libra: Even if Mars blocks your initiative and concrete decisions a bit, don't be impatient for all that. Think more and plan actions that will be time next month!

Horoscope for December 2026 for all zodiac signs:

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2026 horoscope for all zodiac signs:

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